Daniel and Revelation Seminars

Daniel and Revelation Seminars

Brazil School of the Prophets, February 2018.

Listed in reverse chronological order.

(25/2/18) Evening Study.

(25/2/18) Morning Study.

(24/2/18) Evening Study.

(24/2/18) Morning Study (Part 2).

(24/2/18) Morning Study.

(2/23/18) Evening Study.

(23/2/18) Morning Study.

(22/2/18) Evening Study.

(22/2/18) Morning Study.

(21/2/18) Evening Study.

(21/2/18) Morning Study.

(20/2/18) Evening Study.

(20/2/18) Methodology (Part 2).

(19/2/18 Evening) The Right Path.

(19/2/18) The Shaking (Part 2).

(18/2/18) The Shaking (Part 1).

(18/2/18 Morning 1). Learning the Method.

(17/2/18 Afternoon) The "Glory" Came Not as we Expected.

(17/2/18 Morning 2) Repeat and Enlarge.

(17/2/18 Morning 1) The Will.

(16/2/18) "Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing" page 6.