1. Bible Study, How Does it Work?
00:00 - Shaking as a result of Parminder's last visit to Germany (Sept. 2016)
05:00 - Matt 13:24-30. Different quotes will identify actors of this parable differently.
19:30 - 1Cor. 15:46. Applying William Miller's rules not always so simple e.g. proof texting.
27:00 - Repeat and enlarge in 1Cor. 15:43.
32:00 - 1Cor. 15:46 as an example of applying a verse differently.
35:30 - The Bible and SoP say the field of Matt. 13 can be a child's mind, the world or the church.
37:00 - EGW applies this parable morally while we apply it prophetically, e.g. Ex. 40:2.
47:30 - We apply Lev. 23:5 differently, prophetically at either 911, midnight or the Sunday Law.
50:00 - Matt. 13:30, 41, the reapers are symbolic angels like the 3 angels of Rev. 14, not literal angels.
1:00 - In 2014 there was a shaking over literal and symbolic interpretation of prophecy. Dan. 11:2 as an example of a symbol having a literal application attached to it.
1:08 - Summary: Look for repeat and enlarge when exergetically examining a verse. Literal and symbolic application. Different applications for the same verse/parable/actor.
2. How Does Line Upon Line Work?
00:00 - Summary of previous presentation. Literal and symbolic. Prophets will make different applications to the same verses/parables etc. Repeat and enlarge incorporated in Miller's rule.
05:00 - Matt. 13:3, 24, 34; Christ began to speak in parables in His Galileean ministry.
09:30 - Mark 4:34 is a parallel verse to Matt. 13:34.
11:00 - Lines should be understood by their themes e.g. marriage (Rev. 19:7, Matt 25, Esther).
18:00 - Another theme is construction (Ex. 40, Ezra 6:14).
20:30 - Is. 28 is about building (re: v16-17). Rev. 11:1-2 "reed" to measure/judge a building.
31:00 - The plummet of righteousnes is each waymark on the line of judgment, representing walls in the building.
34:00 - The beginning and end of the line of judgment. The work of judgment occurs through the whole line.
38:30 - Walls/waymarks/historical events, represent righteousness.
42:30 - Is. 28:17 and "holy flesh". Holy flesh is not righteousness, but our new immortal bodies at the 2nd advent (re: 1Cor 15).
53:00 - Rom. 6:4 Paul symbolically compares the resurrection to baptism and receiving a new life/righteousness.
1:00 - So Paul makes 2 different applications; one to the literal body at the 2nd advent and one to the symbolic new life at baptism. Righteousness is from the beginning of the line.
3. How Does Line Upon Line Work (Part 2)?
00:00 - Summary of previous presentation.
02:00 - Ps. 77:13, the 3 steps in the sanctuary and glory at the 2nd and 3rd step.
15:00 - Glory at the 3rd step is represented by the glorified body 2nd advent (1Cor 15), glory at the 2nd step is "power" to live a new life at baptism (Rom. 6).
17:00 - Righteous internally at baptism (new heart) and externally at the 3rd step (new body).
19:00 - Matt. 24:37, Noah and the ark, Zerubabel and the temple, the house of Matt. 25 and the virgins are 2 separate entities. So the people and the structure are 2 distinct actors.
24:00 - The structures were all perfect but the people were not.
28:00 - No sin since 911/baptism on the line, which is the ark, temple or bride (structure).
32:00 - The ark, temple and bride are perfect from the beginning and all the way through, which represent the movement (re: 46:40).
44:00 - Is 28:12, the rest and refreshing is the message. Jer. 6:16-17, the path, the rest and the refreshing are the message which is also the ark, temple or bride.
58:00 - The message is also the latter rain, and rain is to grow plants. So the 3rd theme is agriculture. The first 2 being marriage and construction.
1:00 - The watchman of Jer. 6 is John the Baptist (Is. 40, John 1:23, Luke 1).
1:06 - Summary: The 3 themes of marriage, building and agriculture (the field is Noah's ark, the temple and the bride). It is our God given duty to address inspiration prophetically (as oppose to morally).
4. The Hidden Christ.
00:00 - 1Cor. 15:43 and repeat and enlarge, and Miller's rules (nos. 1, 5).
08:00 - The structure of 1Cor. 15:43 is self-defining.
11:00 - Structuring 1Cor. 15:43 line upon line.
14:00 - Is. 46:10, the principle of the end from the beginning.
18:00 - Placement of Is. 46:10 on a line.
25:30 - Repeat and enlarge in an exegetical examination of Is. 46:11.
28:00 - The hidden treasure is the prophetic story that is hidden in every moral story in the Bible e.g. Esther, Cyrus.
44:00 - Moralistic attitude of the church by 1888 and its parallel today with a prophetic or moral gospel.
51:30 - In 1863 the National Reform Movement formed and began to attack the Constitution in an attempt to incorporate Christianity to state law.
55:00 - 1SM 362.4, written during the above history. Uplift Jesus in types, symbols, Bible stories and parables. They 'are' Jesus, not 'lead you to' Jesus.
5. The Fleeing Church.
00:00 - This message is the everlasting gospel.
03:30 - The repeat and enlarge structure of Is. 46:11.
06:00 - This verse is placed before the ToE in the period of darkness.
08:00 - The natural meaning of the verse is that Cyrus is the bird from the east who eats the flesh of Babylon.
20:00 - The glorious land is the USA shown through typology (Rev. 12:14-16, 17:3-5). Europe was Babylon in the 1260.
42:30 - Repeat and enlarge in a chiasm in Is. 46:10. "Not yet" and Rev. 17.
56:30 - Identifying the actors in Matt. 13:24-25.
6. The Plowing.
00:00 - Summary of Matt. 13:24-25 from previous presentation.
06:30 - Jer. 4:1-3, the thorns/abominations have to be removed before the sowing.
13:00 - Placing the fallow ground and it's breaking up on a line.
16:00 - Overview of Mark 4:26-27.
20:30 - 3 stages of growth under the 2nd angel; blade, immature fruit, mature fruit. Then the harvest.
25:00 - At the 2nd stage the wheat is green and the tares black.
27:30 - The abominations/thorns are the sins of the fathers (Matt 23:30-33).
34:30 - The sin of their fathers was killing the prophets/killing their messages.
39:30 - Adventistm's 4 generations and the degredation of our prophetic (not moral) message.
43:00 - Hos. 10:12, 1st sow righteous seed and then receive righteous rain (all the 2nd step).
45:30 - Sowing begins at 2A/911. Break up your fallow ground is the 1st step (Hos. 10:12, Jer. 4:1). The fallow ground is the valley of dry bones (Ezek. 37:1).
54:00 - So you seek/return to the LORD in the valley of decision at the time of the end (1989).
57:00 - All thorns removed by 911.
59:30 - To plough is to cut the weeds/thorns from the field. Furrows are lines upon lines.
1:02 - Increase of Knowledge (1991-92) and Formalisation (1996), line upon line cleaned the thorns out of our field.
1:03 - The difference between the individual and the movement, moral sin and prophetic sins of our fathers.
1:07 - The stone of Dan. 2 is cut out by the blade of the plough at 1989 and prophetic sin is removed from the field.
1:09 - The kingdom is clean and right by 911, when the foundations began to be laid. So we cannot now look back and claim there was error in this movement since 911 which now needs to be corrected.
1:14 - When building the temple the stones were cut out perfectly first and when they were laid they did not have to go back and take some out and re-cut and re-lay them.
7. The Growth of the Plant.
00:00 - Summary of previous presentation.
07:00 - Elements in this movement trying to move the work of the 1st angel to the 2nd.
08:00 - Error of applying our line to the individual rather than the movement and the shaking that has ensued.
13:30 - The nature and purpose of the human conscience compared to God's in relation to morality. Discourse on our prophetic gospel as oppose to a moral gospel.
24:00 - Matt 13:26, 30; Mark 4, there is growth between the 2nd and 3rd stage of growth.
27:30 - There is also growth from the 1st to the 2nd stage of growth, both stages of growth produced by rain (Joel 2:23)
30:00 - The error of "dropping down" as oppose to combining the messages when paralleling the Millerite timeline with ours.
34:30 - Joel 2:23b the "first month" brings the former and latter rain, illustrates the impossibility of moving 2A to a waymark future to 911.
40:00 - The breath of Ezek. 37 is the rain of Joel 2:23 and it arrives at 911 in Ezekiel and the 1st month in Joel 2:23.
43:30 - We are presently at the 2nd stage of growth (Matt. 13:26).
44:30 - Matt. 13:27, the servants slept and looking at the field identified the tares. The servants are a.k.a. watchmen.
50:00 - By the 2nd stage of growth the roots of the wheat and the tares are intertwined so you cannot pull up a tare without pulling up a wheat.
52:00 - At the 2nd stage of growth the servants know what the tares look like, how to pull them up (reap) and have the ability to reap, but just do not have the permission to do so until the harvest (Matt 13:28-30).
55:00 - The parable teaches that the servants do not make mistakes. The 2nd step in the temple cleansing is a visual test, hence we can "see" the tares.
1:01 - EW 118.1, the work of the 3rd angel is to first select and then bind or seal or harvest. The 3rd angel began to select the wheat at the 2nd stage of growth, thus the servants are the 3rd angel.
8. The Growth of the Plant (Part 2).
00:00 - Summary of the former and latter rain, the servants and reapers, the work of the 3rd angel is to select and to bind,
09:30 - Addressing the error of a 2 tier priesthood, where the first tier are servants who are already sealed and are doing the work of selecting.
15:30 - 2nd angel represents the experience of the priests (the plant is growing with the rain, eating the roll (Ezek. 3:1, 14), human and divine). The 3rd angel (the servants) represents the work of the priests (giving a message).
25:30 - The wheat and the tares a distinguishable at the 2nd step as it is a visual test. Summary of what was covered so far.
30:30 - Placing the parable on the Millerite and priests line and placing the 10 virgins on that line.
33:30 - The experience (2nd angel) and the work (3rd angel) occur concurrently hence the messages are combined, not sequential.
38:00 - Identifying the actors of Matt. 13:36-38. Exegetical examination of SC 47.1.
47:30 - Converted under the 1st angel. Examination of the 3 steps of conversion (the 1st angel); convince, repent, pardon. The wheat have the message in their hearts, the tares only in their minds (Jer. 4:4).
1:03 - The servants cannot see the roots (the heart/motives) but can see the fruits (which message you are teaching and believing).
1:09 - Matt. 13:41 is referring to human beings not literal angels in this application, e.g. if you apply this parable to the world we already know God's people are the 3rd angel.
9. The Close of Probation and the Binding Off.
00:00 - The results of solely concentrating on the line of the priests and missing "the bigger picture".
07:00 - Reiterating the importance GC chapters 38 and 39.
08:00 - The term "11th hour workers" explained in relation to the 12 hour working day, minus the one hour in Rev 17:12 places the world being warned at the 11th hour. It takes God 11 hours to deal with the church but only one hour to deal with the world!
12:00 - Investigating the line of the 144,000 and understanding it is distinct from the lines of the priests and the levites, ref: GC chapter 38.
15:30 - When EGW says "perfect" she means "finished" or "completed", and not that the imperfect fulfillment was only a type of the perfect.
20:00 - If we had correctly understood the term "imperfect" we may have avoided the error of imprinting upon midnight the events of 911.
21:00 - The fall of Babylon and the call to come out of her in GC chapter 38.
25:00 - The 3rd angel's message given with the greatest power (loud cry) at the Sunday Law.
26:00 - Unconverted SDAs reject the 3rd angel and join the ranks of the world (Rom 3:9, 11:32).
31:30 - Today the Conference is not preaching the 3rd angels message, this movement is. This movement cannot be Laodicea.
33:00 - Unsanctified SDAs join the world at the Sunday Law. The church is worse than the world but God in His mercy considers it the same as the world.
40:00 - GC 611. The former rain and latter rain in Acts compared to the former rain and latter rain in our line.
45:00 - Our latter rain is poured out at the Sunday Law (the loud cry) and therefore our fomer rain is before the Sunday Law. The parallel in Millerite history and how the empowerment of the 3rd angel parallels the Sunday Law, but as priests we have become used to paralleling it to 911.
49:00 - The purpose of the former and latter rain in relation to character perfection especially illustrated by the agricultural cycle.
54:30 - GC chapter 39, Dan. 12:1. 3A at the Sunday Law and 3E at Dan. 12:1 for the 144000.
1:02 - Placement of the investigative and executive judgement for the 144000. The executive judgment is the binding off which is the harvest at Dan. 12:1.
1:05 - The impossibility of an investigation during the binding off. Basic Adventist eschatology teaches that but those who now teach an investigation during the binding off have not been Adventist long enough to appreciate that.
10. The Close of Probation and the Binding Off (Part 2).
00:00 - Summary: Reiteration of the importance of understanding the line of the 144000 (from GC).
03:00 - There is a binding off for the priests as well as the 144000 subsequently, ref: Satan is bound in the millenium therefore so too are God's people in heaven.
05:30 - Reiteration that there is no investigation after 3E.
06:30 - Darkness at the 6th hour and Dan. 12:1. An Earthquake at the 9th hour. (Matt. 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44).
11:00 - PP 196, darkness and an earthquake in the time of Jacob's trouble. Silence represents a change of dispensation.
16:00 - The time of Jacob's trouble represented by midnight. If you show midnight and the binding off of the 144000 first and then apply it to the priests we would have had our line correct from the beginning.
20:00 - The investigation, decision and execution (EW 118). Work of the 3rd angel is 1st to select (3A) and then to bind (3E). Previously we incorrectly identified midnight to the MC as 3A because we did not define it from the line of the 144000.
30:00 - 2nd angels message began in the Millerite's history (2A) and is perfectly fulfilled at the Sunday Law (2E). NB: Priests are not types of the 144000, the messages are progressive.
32:00 - The Sunday Law is 2E and 3A on the line of the 144000. 911 is 1E and 2A.
35:00 - We previously illustrated the LC subsequent to the Sunday Law because we lined up April 19th 1844 with the Sunday Law, and Aug. 15th 1844 (MC) with the LC, but it is more correct to place the LC at the Sunday Law and understand it is progressive.
40:30 - Summary: Sunday Law is 3A (investigation and decision), Dan. 12:1 is 3E (execution/harvest).
41:30 - The agricultural model in the line of the 144000.
43:30 - EGW says 3A (investigate) was in 1844 (investigative judgement of the dead). This is for the dead and not the Millerites.
46:00 - The judgement then moves to the living and then the execution, which we call 3E (from 911).
47:30 - The shut door of Oct 1844 was for the living Millerites (EW 55). As it is the close of probation for the Millerites therefore it must be 3E for them.
49:30 - The binding off of the Millerites has gone unexplained in our movement so far. It was actually Oct. 1844-1863 with the midpoint 1850. That 19 years is the binding off of the 2520.
51:30 - If Oct 1844 was 3E for the Millerites, 3A was August 15th 1844 as the 3rd angel "arrives" in Jerusalem (Ezra 7:9).
54:00 - At 2E,3A God's people begin to reject the message of the 3rd angel and go back to their former churches, whether it be the Sunday Law (back to the world; Rom 3:9, 11:32) or Aug. 15th 1844 (Millerites went back to Protestantism). The priests go back to the Conference church, Laodica, which is already happening.
58:30 - The line of the priests. 2014 is 2E and 3A for the priests. Then the investigative judgement for the priests began.
1:04 - From 911 the servants can investigate the wheat from the tares. Matt. 13 is now present truth and causing the present shaking.
1:06 - 2014 was the Sunday Law for the priests, and our latter rain. The accusation against us from within this movement, that we have made mistakes, comes from those who teach there is an investigation after midnight (our close of probation) which has been demonstrated to be impossible and an open rejection of the SoP.
1:09 - Matt. 13 to us today, is just like Ezra 7:9 was to us in 2014, as it unlocks our reform line. Satan does not want us to realise we are now in the investigative judgement. Satan wants us to believe it is yet future. Some even teach that from 2014 we are meant to go back to sleep!
1:12 - God is now teaching us how to overcome sin in the latest material available from this movement, and even this is now causing a new shaking.